sober motivation quotes

Your sobriety shouldn’t be defined by what you no longer do but by what you’re currently doing to make yourself healthier, stronger, and more confident. Knowing how to find entertainment that isn’t centered around alcohol. It’s amazing how many people have no idea how to socialize without a bar. And i told that client, one client this last year and just about two months ago exactly on his 365th day sober. He sent me, he, he sent me a picture of sober as a sayings it,, on our alumni page. And he told me, he said you told me 365 days, and today is that day, and I haven’t even thought about looking back since.

Motivational quotes from “6 steps to quit drinking on your own”

Alcohol prevents you from truly feeling the positive things in life. The less appealing drinking becomes, the less time you want to spend around drunk people. Implementing these new habits takes time, but reducing or eliminating your alcohol consumption is worth it. Alcohol is the only drug where people think you have a problem if you don’t do it. This fear gives you a healthy respect for the process and ensures that you take it seriously. It doesn’t matter what you’re specifically afraid of, but you must acknowledge that you ARE afraid.

Best Films About Addiction and Sobriety

sober motivation quotes

Robert has served on the Lowell Taxi & Livery Commission, Immigration Assistance Commission, Lowell Youth Development Collaborative, Lowell Telecommunications Corporation Board of Directors. Shaun is very active in the community, also serving as a Board member for the Latinx Community Center for Empowerment, as well as organizing and advocating for many community based efforts. He was also a long-time Board Member of the Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association. Shaun is currently the Business Services Manager at MassHire Lowell Career Center where he leads a team that provides direct workforce development services to employers in the Greater Lowell region. His team works also works diligently to connect job seekers to good jobs in the region.

Why Are Inspirational Quotes Important For Alcohol Addiction Recovery Journey

She started her career within the Arlington Public School system as a paraprofessional in a special education classroom. In 2002, she began working at a homeless family shelter, and it was there she realized she wanted to pursue a career in mental health. In 2010, Kim graduated from Cambridge College with a Master of Ed all while raising her three amazing sons. She received her LMHC in 2012 and in 2015 became the Clinical Director at The Megan House working with young women who suffer from substance use disorder. In 2023 Kim returned to a career in the public school system as a School Adjustment Councilor. These 100 quotes can help you understand why you turn to alcohol or drugs, galvanize you to confront your substance abuse, and inspire you to fix it.

“Recovery is not for people who need it. It’s for people who want it.” (Anonymous)

Remember, these quotes highlight the struggles of addiction and the importance of recovery and support. If you or someone you know is dealing with addiction, seeking professional help is crucial. In the beginning 5-7 days may not seem like much to some, but for those on this path, it’s a milestone—a week of courage, resilience, and the beginning of rediscovering oneself.

Recovery is an acceptance that your life is in shambles, and you have to change. Recovery is something that you have to work on every single day and it’s something that doesn’t get a day off. Now I have a much clearer sense of myself and what I can and can’t do. I don’t need alcohol to see the world in its depths, I carry the sun in me. I have not inquired at what period of time the use of intoxicating liquors commenced; nor is it important to know.

  • But you can escape and build a different life, no matter how many times you stumble.
  • In the beginning 5-7 days may not seem like much to some, but for those on this path, it’s a milestone—a week of courage, resilience, and the beginning of rediscovering oneself.
  • Additionally, he has conceptualized and has the lead the rollout of the first product to combine Lean, Six Sigma methodologies, patient/doctor workflows and clinical telemedicine; ExamFlow.
  • Sometimes I write short inspirational sobriety quotes on notecards.
  • While admitting that you have a problem is the first step in many recovery programs, part of that process is realizing that you’re afraid.
  • The hardest thing to change is your mindset, perspective, and habits.

sober motivation quotes

She enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and extended family. The final step in 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is to spread the message to other people living with addiction. By helping others into recovery, you’re reminded of your own progress, shake off any complacency in your sobriety, stay accountable, and find happiness and fulfillment. When you are in active recovery, you need to be reminding yourself why you are doing it. It can be hard to stay positive, but it actually does help with the process. When you’re speaking to yourself with motivational quotes, they can act as a form of self-coaching.

  • If you can remind yourself about what it means to you, you can continue to motivate yourself every day and face any hardships.
  • Unfortunately, alcohol does not experience the inverse Lima syndrome and care for us.
  • If I couldn’t first accept this, then there was no chance I would ever fix it.
  • But came, through some gradual dire alchemy, to make decisions for you.
  • Locally, Steven serves on the Board of Governors of Lowell General Hospital/Circle Health where he was chairperson of the LGH TeamWalk for Cancer Care for several years.
  • Pamela began her healthcare career at Saints Medical Center in 2008.

She has been volunteering for charitable organizations from an early age and has focused on the youth in her community as well as her prior residence in North Conway, New Hampshire. Just some of these include the Bike Connector, Merrimack Valley Food Bank, The Wish Project, Catholic Charities, The Kristy Williams Memorial Foundation, and Toys for Local Children. Recently, she was recognized as a 2024 Distinguished Young Professional sober motivation quotes through the Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce. Finding the inspiration to get sober can come from many sources.

We specialise in the medical detoxification and bespoke rehabilitation from all manner of addictive substances, including alcohol and drugs. Each of our treatment programmes and detoxes are intricately tailored to each of our guests specific treatment needs and conducted within luxurious surroundings. These inspirational quotes about getting sober are short, sweet, and to the accurate point.